SiT SA Supports Charity
Daktari Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage
Daktari Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage is a registered NGO located in the Limpopo Province of South Africa near the Kruger National Park.
The mission of Daktari is to educate and inspire underprivileged children to care for their environment through the medium of a wildlife orphanage.
Join us for an unforgettable volunteer experience where you will help with the education of children and care for wild animals. Every Monday we welcome a new group of 8 to 10 local underprivileged children who stay with us full board for 5 days, we give them the opportunity to discover, learn and become passionate about wildlife and conservation, their heritage. We also supplement their school curriculum by giving extra classes in English, maths, environmental job opportunities, life skills and important social issues like drugs and alcohol and sex education.
Our goal is to enable today’s local underprivileged children to eventually be able to secure good employment in nature reserves, thereby improving their future quality of life. The children want to make a difference, let’s help them! Volunteer at Daktari or Donate.
Click here to view their website
Kitty & Puppy Haven
Kitty & Puppy Haven is a rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing centre that takes in injured, neglected, traumatised and mistreated animals from townships, squatter camps and other low-income areas.
Upon arrival at the sanctuary an animal’s health is assessed and veterinary care provided wherever necessary. Once given the all-clear, animals are vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead and, later, sterilised. All animals are then held in our isolation area for a period of at least ten days to reduce the transmission of disease. During this time their health is assessed daily. Once healthy – both mentally and physically – the animals can be adopted out into approved and loving homes.
While living at the sanctuary we try to ensure our animals are well socialised and live it up in luxury. All runs have panel heaters to guard against the cold, our adult cats can roam freely in a secure enclosure that links onto our office and the adult dogs have a loose play area and room where they are able to socialise with one another and escape from the cold and heat. Volunteers and fosterers ensure that our animals receive a lot of human interaction and help to ensure that all animals are well adjusted and socialised before moving on to their forever homes.
Kitty & Puppy Haven is a pro-life organisation. We will not euthanase any animals if they can be healed and have a healthy, pain free, happy life.
Due to our location, Kitty & Puppy Haven works very closely with the residents of Alexandra (Alex) Township and their animals. In April 2011 we set up a Community Veterinary Clinic (affiliated to the South African Veterinary Association) on our premise that enables us to provide free / reduced veterinary treatment and sterilisations to the disadvantaged. Through this clinic we aim to provide much needed healthcare to township animals while simultaneously providing education to animal owners.
Together with the State Vet and the ANC Youth League, Kitty & Puppy Haven hosts Dog Days in Alex every two months whereby we go into Alexandra Township with the aim of providing free vaccinations, rabies shots, and parasite control to the animals of Alex. We dip the dogs against ticks, groom them and replace their chains with new collars and leads. Any animal requiring veterinary care is treated on site or taken back to the clinic at Kitty & Puppy Haven and treated. The Alex Dog Days have proven invaluable in enabling us to extend our reach into Alex and we now have daily visitors – mainly children – to the sanctuary seeking veterinary care, advice, food, leads or collars
In the near future we hope to extend our education campaign by implementing an education programme in all 18 of Alexandra Township’s schools. Kitty & Puppy Haven firmly believes that education is key to uplifting the lives of township animals and ultimately their owners.
Over 3000 animals are treated, adopted or sterilised by the sanctuary annually.
Kitty & Puppy Haven is not funded by the government and relies solely on donations from the public to cover our monthly operating costs of approximately R100,000. We are a registered Non Profit Organisation (NPO) as well as a Public Beneficiary Organisation (PBO). We are BEE accredited and are part of the MyPlanet Scheme.